Hormone therapy is definitely a good hair replacement treatment for all kinds of women, especially women who have reached and surpassed the age of menopause. At this point, their bodies may start to secrete a lot more testosterone than is needed, which often leads to hair loss. With the hormone therapy, you can keep the testosterone levels within limits and prevent the formation of DHT - dihydrtestosterone - that causes skin cell death and loss of hair.
Most kinds of hair replacement surgeries are wonderful treatments for women who are suffering from hair loss. Often, most females prefer to go for the more common type of hair-replacement surgery, which is hair transplantation.
It is a simple but protracted process of conscientiously removing skin with live follicles from the back of the head and grafting it over the infected area. It could take months before the results are seen, but they are most often remarkable. Other forms of hair replacement surgery that a woman may opt for, or may be advised to undergo, are balloon inflation, scalp reduction, and tissue expansion.
If the hair loss is not too severe, most women can actually achieve replacement by the right use of several hair care products. Before embarking on this, though, permission should be sought and obtained from a licensed dermatologist. As a matter of fact, the woman is better off if this treatment is prescribed by the specialist. Then she can go into some cosmetic store and pick out a cream or lotion that has specific ingredients for her hair type, and nutrients that can nurture her scalp back to soundness to stimulate hair re growth.