Hormone Replacement Theory (HRT)

The use of artificial instigation of replacement hormones in the woman's body during pre-menopause is said to reduce the symptoms to a very good extent. The treatment is usually taken for one or two years is almost like a painkiller which gets rid of the menopausal symptoms like mood swings, sudden sweating at nights, unexpected weight gain, etc. which is caused by the hormonal changes. Apart from the reprieve from menopausal, HRT may also treat reduced energy and protect against osteoporosis after menopause. The appropriate mixtures of conjugated equine estrogens that are derived from the urine of pregnant horses are the most common prescribed form of HRT. All that said there is a lot of controversy over this treatment in itself.

The possible Risks

Though HRT might look very useful during pre-menopausal period, it comes along with a variety of risks. It can increase the risk of breast cancer, heart disease and stroke. Certain other types of HRT have a higher risk and the risk could also vary from each woman's health history and lifestyle. Always getting help from the health care specialist is essential in this case as it would be helpful to discuss the benefits and risks involved specifically for you. Beyond all that, if hormonal therapy is still preferred it should be the lowest dose and should be consumed only for the shortest period. Taking it should be re-evaluated every six months. Also certain women face side-effects after getting treated with the therapy. Some of the most common side effects that women face are headache, stomach cramps, diarrhea, appetite and weight changes, nervousness, acne, swelling of the limbs due to fluid retention, etc. Natural ways like eating a good healthy diet and exercising well during that menopausal time should be followed by women compulsorily. Most often women tend to put on weight around that time to an unbelievable extent because of which the healthy diet and exercise is compromised. Making an effort to lead a good lifestyle is very important during pre-menopausal and also throughout one's life.

With proper medical guidance, making use of Hormone Replacement Therapy should assist women to lead a peaceful lovely life during that pre-menopausal period.

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If you are worried about being alone in the misery of stress and depression, don't be! Statistics say there are around 20 million Americans feeling the same way you are. Having such great numbers makes depression the most serious among other brain diseases. Annually, billions of dollars are spent by mentally distressed people to get out of this state. Large majority of the US population suffers from depression in one way or the other. It is interesting to note here that people of all ages including teens, adults, and oldies are affected by this mental disease.

There are many reasons of depression; loss in life, illness, loneliness, heredity, work load, blood deficiency, and brain weakness are among a few. Depression, if left untreated can become a permanent condition, interrupting the joys of your life. This matter should be looked into with a serious thought, but the tragedy is that only a one third of people facing depression consider having proper treatment to get rid of it. The rest are feared from the social responses they'll get from friends, coworkers and family.

Among the many symptoms of depression, the gravest one is the thought of attempting suicide by the depressed. Therefore, if you are facing depression yourself, or any of your loved one is going through it, be sure to get it treated on-time! Sadness and despair affects all body parts. The heart, the immune system, the lungs, the digestive system, the sensory organs, and the brain; all are endangered.

The proven and affordable method for curing this disease is through the use of HGH. Human Growth Hormone is the leading hormone controlling and managing the activities of various secondary hormones and metabolism levels in body. Growth hormone is excreted from the pituitary gland placed below the human brain. The excretion heightens during the early morning before waking up. There is an obvious decline in HGH discharge from mid-age onwards. This is also the same age at which biological depression also starts to show in a person.

Dr Ronald Klatz explains the role of human growth hormone in depression and stress in his book "Grow Young with GH":"If HGH has a natural antidepressant effect on the brain, it could be a major reason that we are so optimistic and resilient when we are young. With the decline of GH that comes with age, we not only lose muscle, bone, thymus tissue, body water, and cell division, we lose our joy for life. But with a program of Human Growth Hormone stimulation, we can have it all back again."

Many other experts and physicians are of the view that HGH effectively reduces stress and improves builds self esteem in a person. The psychological and emotional benefits of treating depression with HGH dose include higher energy and capacity to work, greater emotional control, control of mood swings, and restrain anxiety and depression.

Old age comes more quickly when your hormones level drop down. Once the hormone level is low, your body and mind starts to weaken. This makes you feel grumpy, uptight, and anxious all the time with frequent depression attacks. Thus, replacing and raising your natural hormone (HGH) level is positive measure to control depression.

If you are serious about treating your depression condition with HGH therapy, consult our expert physician's advice at LA Health & Rejuvenation Center. Live life like you have never lived it before, and instantly start with your depression control treatment. We make you stay happy and appreciate the beautiful things in life. With our therapist's help, you can control depression and bring back the confidence in yourself and your life.

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Both men and women experience sexual urges. Libido or this urge which is sexual in nature is one of the major functions of the human body in general. Its functionality holds together the physical, mental, and emotional part of a human being. Despite this overall similarity, there are still notable differences in libido of men as compared to women. These differences will be further discussed.

Libido sex is also two contrasting yet similar concepts. These happen with the same shared contributing factors. They are both enhanced or lessened by psychological, physical, and medical causes to name a few.

Contributing Factors to Libido of Men and Women

The major contributing factor which places libido of men and women in the same platform is psychological contributors. Some of which include stress, anxiety, self image, fear, and history of abuse. In the same manner, the contributory factors which enhance libido of men and women are also the same. The aforementioned psychological causes of a lower libido of men as well as women can be counteracted by exercise, proper diet and nutrition, enough drink of water (or hydration), sufficient sleep or rest, and an overall healthy lifestyle.

What makes libido of men different from women are the physical and medical contributing factors.

Although aging as a physical cause of decreasing libido of men and women seems common to both sexes, how it affects sexual urges in each sex varies. Aging causes a decline in the production of testosterone or the male sexual hormone. Sexual appetite decreases as the number of testosterone present in the body becomes less.

Libido is improved when the production of the male sex hormone is encouraged. This can be done through various ways. The most common of which is the use of supplements. These are available in different forms such as injections, creams, and pills. Supplements libido replaces hormones which are lost during aging. These also encourage the production of the male sexual hormone in the body.

In women, aging brings about menopausal episodes. The most prominent effect of such episodes is hormonal imbalance. The disproportionate distribution of the number of different types of female hormones in the body affects overall libido. Sexual urge decreases. The ability to have orgasms and the so called staying power during intercourse is lessened. Vaginal dryness which makes sex uncomfortable and painful also occurs due to hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal Imbalance

Aside from menopause, hormonal imbalance in women also occurs during pregnancy and childbirth. An unhealthy lifestyle may also cause hormonal issues in women.

Hormonal replacement therapy is often prescribed to achieve a balanced level of female sexual hormones. Like men libido supplements, these are also available in pills, creams, and injections. Although there are side effects attached to hormone therapy, newer products made from updated studies can accomplish hormonal replacement without major side effects.

On the medical side, sexual disorders are experienced by both men and women. Some may suffer from an overly active sexual appetite while some have libido which is lesser than normal or may even have none altogether.

Libido between men and women enhancers can be used to improve a hypoactive sexual life. Supplements and natural methods can be utilized. Most supplements contain chemically prepared ingredients which help in promoting sex drive. Herbs may also be included in substances used for sex enhancer products.

For those who suffer hyperactivity in sex, medications are prescribed to lessen the self-destructing effects of an overactive libido. Naturally, exposing oneself to factors which cause a decrease in sexual drive may help. To conclude, the factors which cause libido of men and in women are the same. What enhances a low libido is the same for both sexes as well.

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Reversing the process of aging is almost impossible. However, with the advent of biotechnological advancement, hormone replacement therapy for a younger & healthier body helps improve life for men who're into their middle age and beyond.

Sexual hormones see a steady downfall with increase in age in incidence and quantity for both genders. So far, however, the reduction in sex hormones has been considered crucial only in women, making them resort to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) during their menopause, to help them alleviate drastic menopausal symptoms such as osteoporosis, hot flashes, etc.

In distinction, hormone-replacement therapy (MHRT) for men has rarely been approved for fit, elder men. Current proof advocates that men might be able to stay trimmer, well-built, more contented, and virile for a higher duration of time if they consumed supplements to compensate for the testosterone that is lost as a result of aging.

Testosterone-replacement therapy has been put to test in various groups, and its impact is very evident especially in an overall improvement in functionality and well being. There have been inadequate scientific research of its lasting effects and experts remain worried that hormone supplements might increase the threat of the onset of prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The consumption of testosterone by aging men, better perceived as male hormone replacement therapy and more specifically, androgen replacement therapy, has captured the interest of the medical community as well as lay people for the past ten years or more. Although information of the probable advantages and threats of male Androgen Replacement Therapy is greater than before, there is still a good deal that needs to be found out. Though there are a considerable amount of possible benefits of male Androgen Replacement  and statistics regarding the irrefutable impacts of such substitution have built up, but so far there have not been any large scale trials of this therapy.

Being the chief masculinizing hormone (androgen), testosterone stimulates bone and muscle growth and promotes development of male genitalia.

During the onset of puberty in young males, responding to an indicator from the hypothalamus in the brain, the pituitary gland induces specific cells in the testicles to augment the amount of testosterone production in the body. This hormonal rush brings about sex drive and sperm production, induces acne, facial and pubic hair, and cracks the voice. Testosterone is produced women as well but not to the extent to which it is produced in men.

In grown up men, the testicles create about seven milligrams of testosterone on a day to day basis, with production normally being elevated in the early morning than at other time of the day.

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Hormone therapy is known as one of the treatments for prostate cancer. We have heard success stories with hormone therapy for prostate cancer patients from Internet and medical publications. Here we discuss why hormone therapy can be applied to treat prostate cancer. The prostrate gland is found near the base of the urethra.

This is the tube that carries urine from the bladder out through the penis. The front end of the prostrate gland surrounds the urethra and the rear part of the gland presses against the rectum. The prostrate gland is found in the males and is susceptible to tumor growths. These tumors can be benign or malignant. Malignant means that the tumor is cancerous and life threatening.

Faulty Genes Put Right With Hormones

Having a cancerous prostrate tumor is no cause for alarm because if the tumor is diagnosed well in advance, for which there are many symptoms the layman can understand, the prostrate gland can be surgically removed along with the tumor. Thus, one can prevent the spread of the tumor to other parts of the body through the blood and lymphatic system.

It is very rare to find a patient under fifty to have prostrate cancer. The patient can become weary of a tumor on the prostrate gland if he finds the following symptoms: dribbling before or after urinating, feeling that the urinary bladder is never empty completely, discomfort or pain while urinating and passing of blood sometimes while urinating, false calls or frequently wanting to urinate without actually urinating.

Getting Rid Of the Gland

Apart from having the prostrate removed surgically, there are some hormone treatments for prostrate cancer as well. Some of these hormone treatments have known to have produced dramatic results. But, then it is the stage of the disease as well as the age of the person who is treated that also counts.

Doctors all over the world have known for a long time now that cancer can be treated with hormones as prostrate cancer has been known to be hormone or gene related. For instance, men who have had prostrate cancer in the family are more likely to contract the disease that men who have no family history of prostrate cancer.

Even men with the history of breast cancer in the family run the risk of developing prostrate cancer. This led to research on treating cancer with hormones. Research has shown that men live longer with prostrate cancer if it is treated with hormone therapy along with radiation treatment.

The standard hormone treatment is for three years but in many cases dramatic results have come about within six months of the treatment. Researchers from Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital discovered that men treated with six months of androgen suppression therapy in addition to radiation improved faster and better than men treated with only radiation.

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After menopause women have an increased risk for insulin resistance, the hallmark of Type 2 diabetes. As estrogen levels decrease, there is a tendency to develop fat deposits at the waist, the so-called "middle-age spread". Belly fat is dangerous because it releases hormones that can cause insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is also associated with breast cancer and heart and blood vessel disease; so diagnosing it early can help to prevent serious consequences.

Researchers at the Institute of Medical Sciences and Research in Coimbatore, India, looked at skin temperature as a possible way to find insulin resistance in women after menopause. Their study, reported on in December 2012 in the Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research, included 25 women who had been through menopause.

Fifteen of the women were diagnosed with insulin resistance according to their blood sugar and blood insulin levels. Their degree of insulin resistance and skin temperatures were compared with those of premenopausal women. Postmenopausal women had significantly cooler skin than premenopausal women, and the amount of insulin resistance seen correlated with coolness of their skin.

Measuring skin temperatures could some day be a painless, inexpensive way to discover insulin resistance in postmenopausal women. For the time being, blood sugar levels are part of the routine laboratory values used to diagnose Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, and should be discussed with your doctor.

If lack of estrogen is causing central obesity, hormone replacement therapy can be considered. The therapy is no longer recommended for permanent treatment because of the danger of heart disease, blood clots, strokes, and breast cancer, but it has been shown to be effective in the early years after menopause. Some studies have shown it to be helpful against:

  • belly fat,

  • heart attacks,

  • thinning of bones (osteoporosis),

  • depression, and

  • strokes

in the first ten years after the last menstrual period.

Estrogen, often balanced with progesterone, another female hormone, can be taken as a pill, skin patch, gel, cream, or spray. (Local preparations applied to the vagina are used only for vaginal discomfort). When it is taken in pill form, hormone replacement therapy goes from the stomach to the liver, causing the liver to make more fat and clotting factors. When the medication is delivered through the skin the liver is less strongly affected.

Another, and excellent, way of getting rid of belly fat is by aerobic exercise. Try going for a walk each day. Walk briskly enough to make your heart and breathing speed up. Walking can make your bones, muscles, brain, and heart stronger too, so go for it.

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I know, the title sounds a little scary right? It's like imagining a team of medical doctors surrounding you as you lie on a table and they are performing natural hormone replacement therapy. They start to stick tubes in your body and then give you estrogen that comes from the lab. It kinda sounds like a movie from "Frankenstein", but in actuality, this is the best way I could describe hormone replacement therapy.

If that made you feel a little eery, then you should be happy that I have good news for you. There are other replacement therapies that are much safer and no hassle is needed. Also, herbal supplements are becoming the more favorable option for people who are uncomfortable with lab grown hormones being inserted in their bodies.

The soy seed is among the more essential natural supplements. This ingredient contains naturally occurring plant estrogen that can be described loosely as "weaker forms of female estrogen". It addresses estrogen imbalance by attaching these plant estrogens to the body's estrogen receptor sites. Surprisingly, these phytoestrogens can both increase and reduce the levels of estrogen in women. If a woman is in the perimenopausal stage, where there is a surplus of hormones, the soy seed decreases estrogen. In postmenopausal women, it increases them.

It is important to realize that what is being treated is not really the estrogen levels in the woman's body, but the accompanying symptoms that comes from it. I suggest using herbal supplements and not natural hormone replacement therapy because it is safer.

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Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be used to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of menopause. If you are suffering from moderate to severe menopausal issues, then bioidentical hormones may be for you. Information on the procedure and its benefits can be found below in order to help you make the decision that is right for you.

What is it?

Menopause symptoms are generally caused by the sudden disturbance in hormone levels that occurs in the body during this time. By restoring balance to these levels, and replacing diminishing levels of one hormone or the other, you can stop the symptoms or at least drastically reduce them. That is where bioidentical hormones come in.

During bioidentical hormone therapy, a saliva test is done on the patient to assess various hormone levels and see where balance can be restored. Over the years, every woman's hormone levels diminish in a unique way. This is one of the only treatments for menopause that allows for customized dosages that are tailored to meet the needs of each woman.

Bioidentical hormones are formed from parts of different plants and animals, which are then altered to have the identical chemical makeup of the hormones that are found naturally within your body. For women, the most common are estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and estriol.

The Advantages

There are a wide variety of benefits to using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in order to restore balance to the body. Besides the obvious fact that it can reduce and even eliminate your menopause symptoms, it also is able to reduce some forms of cancer through the addition of estriol.

Bioidentical hormone therapy is generally administered by a topical method such as injections and creams, and this can cut down by liver damaged that is caused by the hormone replacement pills used in other methods. The mixture of hormones that is administered is customized exclusively for each person, which makes it much more effective than other methods as well.

If you are a woman who has been suffering with painful or embarrassing menopause symptoms, then stop being a victim today. Bioidentical hormones can help to restore balance to your body's hormone levels, and alleviate the symptoms that are associated with this condition.

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One alternative to the sometimes harmful synthetic hormones is the use of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). These are much more effective due to the exact match of the hormones naturally produced by the body. Bioidentical hormone therapy has afforded a near identical match to the natural hormone with the use of a soy and wild yam base. Unlike (BHRT), synthetic hormones are foreign to the body and in turn cause a palette of potential adverse reactions.

The human body produces hormones through body cells. These hormones target a destination and travel through the bloodstream carrying important messages to and from cells throughout the body.

Testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen deficiencies are common in women both before and during menopause, or if they have had their ovaries removed. Mood-swings, vaginal dryness, headaches, achy joints, and sleep disturbances are typical symptoms involved with a lack of hormone production. BHRT is referred to as a successful form of treatment used to rid women of these symptoms.

Andropause, the male version of menopause, usually affects men during their aging process. Hormones production is slowed during this time and a testosterone deficiency is a common occurrence. Low levels of testosterone (in men) are usually the cause of a reduction in bone density, muscle mass, and sex drive, along with irritability, insulin resistance, and depressed feelings.

Bioidentical hormones can be applied as topical creams, or orally/sublingually taken in a pill form. It usually depends on what form of treatment the patient prefers. The cream is a slower-absorbing form of therapy, while the other forms are quickly absorbed.

Disease prevention is the target goal of using bioidentical hormones. If left untreated or improperly managed, severe symptoms and conditions may develop. It is important to gain control of hormone regulating to successfully combat and prevent disease and illness. Prompt management helps prevent the development long-term conditions and life altering symptoms. The result of treatment is a substantial improvement in health and an improved quality of life.

Researchers have provided an extensive amount of information on the different affects of BHRT on the human body. There have been many positive results, but they have also found connections of this treatment with an elevated risk of heart disease, stroke, blood clots, and breast cancer. This has causes debate between health professionals for many years, which is why only some of them offer this form of treatment.

Hormone deficiencies affect many people and can go unrecognized for a long time. Hormone imbalances that are left undiagnosed and untreated can cause many serious complications for the person with the condition. It is important to seek professional advice from an endocrinologist or an internal medicine doctor if symptoms of hormone loss develop. These doctors have more in-depth experience in dealing with hormonal issues than family doctors, and are capable of providing a quick diagnosis with simple blood tests. Many doctors offer BHRT, but there are a large percentage of them that are against it due to the different risks that are involved with their usage.

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Depression is a major mental disorder but is treatable. There are various depression treatments and some are in experimental stage. Some of the effective current treatments for depression include hormone therapy, "happy" pacemaker and magnetic healing.

Scientists have spent years to find the best treatment for depression. Ultimately they now know about serotonin and its effect on the brain. It is finally proven that the major imbalance in this hormone may be the prime cause of depression in men and women.

They are of opinion that hormones have great effects on our brain and mood because they act as stimulants for us. For example the female hormone estrogen is more powerful than any drug stimulant.

Hormones provide a strong cooling and sleepy effect on the mind of the patients of depression. It makes one feel better. An irritated and aggressive patient might get cool with the administration of a mild dose of hormone. There are reports that women suffering from depression have shown significant improvements with the application of mild hormone. Earlier they were declared untreatable.

Before hormone treatment for depression one should consult a neuroendocrinologist to get a hormone profile. knowing the level of estrogen and progesterone in the beginning and at the end of the month. Accordingly hormone is administered to reduce he severity of depression. The use of get happy pacemakers is also getting popular for the treatment of depression. The principle of get of happy pacemaker is based on vagal nerve. This nerve connects the brain with heart, lungs and stomach.

This nerve is mainly responsible for carrying information from the central nervous system to the other parts of the body. Nowadays a small pace maker is being implanted in the vagal nerves to help stop the seizures in the sufferers. But it shows some other critical functions. It makes the patient's mood "happy". It is unclear how it works.

Doctors are of opinion that it affects two chemical substances serotin and norepineephrine. These chemicals are associated with mood. With the implantation of the pacemaker a patient shows improvements to some extent. Forty percent of patient with pacemakers show diminished depression. The depression level is tested by verbal test. Patients themselves accept improvements.

Magnetic stimulation is also a remarkable treatment for depression. it targets brain structures that responsible for the depression in human beings. Studies have also indicated that the magnetic stimulation given to the brain for at least two weeks at a stretch provide relief to the patients suffering from depression. It reduces the severity of depression up to 30 percent.

Nowadays various clinics and hospitals are providing this treatment to the patients with considerable success. Very soon it would be a very common treatment for depression. In addition to it more researches are being done on the current treatments for depression.

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