Hormone Replacement Theory (HRT)
The use of artificial instigation of replacement hormones in the woman's body during pre-menopause is said to reduce the symptoms to a very good extent. The treatment is usually taken for one or two years is almost like a painkiller which gets rid of the menopausal symptoms like mood swings, sudden sweating at nights, unexpected weight gain, etc. which is caused by the hormonal changes. Apart from the reprieve from menopausal, HRT may also treat reduced energy and protect against osteoporosis after menopause. The appropriate mixtures of conjugated equine estrogens that are derived from the urine of pregnant horses are the most common prescribed form of HRT. All that said there is a lot of controversy over this treatment in itself.
The possible Risks
Though HRT might look very useful during pre-menopausal period, it comes along with a variety of risks. It can increase the risk of breast cancer, heart disease and stroke. Certain other types of HRT have a higher risk and the risk could also vary from each woman's health history and lifestyle. Always getting help from the health care specialist is essential in this case as it would be helpful to discuss the benefits and risks involved specifically for you. Beyond all that, if hormonal therapy is still preferred it should be the lowest dose and should be consumed only for the shortest period. Taking it should be re-evaluated every six months. Also certain women face side-effects after getting treated with the therapy. Some of the most common side effects that women face are headache, stomach cramps, diarrhea, appetite and weight changes, nervousness, acne, swelling of the limbs due to fluid retention, etc. Natural ways like eating a good healthy diet and exercising well during that menopausal time should be followed by women compulsorily. Most often women tend to put on weight around that time to an unbelievable extent because of which the healthy diet and exercise is compromised. Making an effort to lead a good lifestyle is very important during pre-menopausal and also throughout one's life.
With proper medical guidance, making use of Hormone Replacement Therapy should assist women to lead a peaceful lovely life during that pre-menopausal period.